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Showing posts from April, 2009

True Joy of Life

True Joy of Life This is the true joy of life. The being used for a purpose Recognized by yourself as a mighty one. The being a force of nature Instead of a feverish, selfish Little clod of ailments and grievances Complaining that the world will not Devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life Belongs to the whole community And as long as I live,It is my privilege to do for it Whatever I can.I want to be thoroughly Used up when I die, For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch Which I've got hold of For the moment And I want to make it burn As brightly as possible before Handling it on to future generations.


I guess it is in human nature to worry. But why? It doesn't help. It just reminds me that I am unsure about what is to come. In the near future I feel I may get something out of all my worrying though.... an ulcer . A-Mo was attacked by some dogs next door. Two pits. Now before you go telling me about the breed and how non dangerous they are let me tell you this. I believe that dogs like children are a product of their environment and are taught advertently or inadvertently to behave a certain way. A-Mo was not bitten because the owner came out in time. But I heard those dogs barking from inside my house and even I was scared. Moving from V-Town to P-Town brings an entire new set of issues. I have created these bonds with people that I am afraid of losing. I guess I wasn't as aware of it when I was leaving college bud now I know what distance does to people. I have lost touch with so many of my friends from school, and miss them badly. I love the people I have met and the a...