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Pink Eye and Blogging

So this morning around three am I woke to very puffy eyes. I being my moms daughter chose to put some neosporin in them. Now I know what you are thinking. "HopeSister that is a bad idea, it says right on the tube not to use in your eyes." Well to that I say Bah! I am not blind yet. Well I tried to go back to sleep but my eyes were watering and being distracting so I decided that I would not be able to go to school like this. After I got myself a sub I went to school and got some lesson plans together then came home and slept. It was a wonderful sleep and when I awoke my eye lashes were stuck together.

I went to the eye doctor around 11 and in a few minutes she told me I had pink eye and gave me some drops to use. Um.....also she went and got a camera and took a picture through the machine, so she could have an up close picture of my eye. Odd. I know.

The remainder of the day went pretty smoothly. I made a wonderful pasta sauce for dinner, i ate pasta too but I just had to boil that and it doesn't require much talent. I also gave terri the recipe for Tommy Cakes. They are delightful and I will add the recipe here as well for your desert eating pleasure.

Anyway, I am sitting here clicking on random blogs and smiling to myself because I am realizing how many peoples stories are out there being told. Their lives being lived. It is amazing to me when I think about it. These serve as a reminder of the times that people have shared together. How great is that!



Tommy Cakes 24-26" 325°
1 Chocolate Cake Mix(no pudding in mix)
1 large Instant Vanilla Pudding(or chocolate)
4 eggs
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 cup water
½ cup Smart Balance Oil 
 (veg oil works here)
Cinnamon Mixture:
1 cup Sugar (TWitt says Splenda works here as well)
2 Tbl. Cinnamon
½ cup Nuts (optional) 

Mix cake and pudding. Add remaining ingredients and most of the cinnamon sugar mixture. Stir well and beat on medium for 2 minutes. Pour batter into large paper cupcake holders. Top each cake with some of the remaining cinnamon mixture. Lightly swirl cinnamon into batter with toothpick.
Bake 24 to 26minutes in a 325 degree oven.


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