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To the Land of Fire and Ice

Lucky us! my good friend Nick and I bought our tickets to Iceland. Hoping to find a couple more people to go with us on this epic adventure. We will be there November 13 through the 28th. Feel free to follow along with planning and the trip itself on this blog. Or, just see what we are up to on our social media pages. Let the research begin! I am excited to see Puffins, the Northern Lights, and maybe get caught in a snow storm or two! #adventure #Iceland #LandofFireandIce #Travel #HopeSister _______________________________________________________________________________ If you or your company are interested in supporting our endeavors, please reach out! We love to support products we believe in. Here is the information I have sent to possible sponsors: As Saint Louis natives we pride ourselves in taking our Midwestern mentality on every adventure we go on. I am an art teacher turned climbing gym manager, and Nick has proven himself as a world traveler and nomad , but now runs all of our portable wall events which leaves him a very flexible travel schedule. We both consider ourselves well traveled and able to experience and promote products and services. This November we will be embarking on an adventure to explore the Ring Road in Iceland. We plan on driving and camping along the route. Meeting the people of Iceland and becoming immersed in as much of the culture as we can. We would love to have your support by providing gear, funding or food for our trip. In return, Nick and I will be able to use our social media presence and contacts in the Midwest to push your products and company. Posts leading up to and on our trip will center around our sponsors and the gear provided. Here is our instagram information: Nick: @i_am_nick_carpenter Emily: @emmalouhope We are happy to discuss further over the phone or in person if you are interested in helping us with this adventure.


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